On Thursday 3 August 2017, Split-born Dina Leva?i? completed her second swim in the Triple Crown Open Swimming Project; completing the ocean crossing from Catalina to the Mainland in 9 hours, 47 minutes.
The 21-year-old, Dina Leva?i? was born in Split but is now studying in Zagreb. On Sunday 25 June 2017, she completed the first swim in a series called 'The Triple Crown Project', becoming the first Croatian to swim around Manhatten. And, on Thursday 3rd August 2017, she just completed the second challenge, crossing from Catalina to the California Mainland.
The Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming includes three, historically important open water swims to be completed by marathon swimmers. The swims are as follows (source: Wikipedia)
'When people do the Triple Crown, they are in a very special club...' Steven Munatones, Vice President of the Hall of Fame. (source: Triple Crown Project )
Dina's final challenge will be in September when she will attempt to swim the notoriously difficult channel between England and France – 33.7 km.
This is no easy feat and if Leva?i? completes the final challenge, she will be the first Croatian inducted into the Triple Crown Open Swimming Hall of Fame. Only 151 swimmers have so far earned this impressive title and only four of those have done it within 90 days.
On Dina's Facebook Page, she posted: "I'm proud. Happy... And now I'm going to get some deserved sleep."
Credit: Dina Levacic Official
We are looking forward to following her story, good luck Dina! Read more about Dina's second swim from the Daily Breeze here. And follow her journey on Dina's Facebook here.